Vind Invest



To users of electricity, Guarantees of Origin (GO) convey information on the method, location and the date of its generation (for each unique MWh).

Based on the Renewables Directive, the European Union is now implementing a scheme into Member State law, allowing for GO to be issued, traded and redeemed electronically under legally enforceable rules.

For Swedish wind farms, a greater reliability and geographical scope of GO transfers offers new opportunities in GO exports to regions with less favourable conditions of wind power production.

How we facilitate transactions

Based on our understanding of GO markets and our partner network, Vind Invest supports GO transactions by:

Matching GO sellers and buyers — focusing on Scandinavian producers of wind power and GO buyers from countries such as Germany and Switzerland.

Providing information on GO market trends and regulations (governing the issuance, transfer and redemption of GO).

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